Sparkling Characters, Elegant Drama, & High Adventure, with a Strong Dollop of Humor
All (almost) suitable for Age 14 & up
Because I find variety the spice of life, I occasionally deviate from my first love, Regency England, to write Mystery and Suspense set in Florida. Even one international Thriller. With a couple of Contemporary Romances thrown in for good measure. And then there are my Medieval written for the Young Adult market and a Steampunk written just for the fun of it. And-would you believe?-a SyFy Paranormal Saga that refuses to stay in just one sub-genre. (Not enough bare skin for a Futuristic, too much adventure for a romance, too little science for the hard-core SyFy reader. Sigh.) But it has some great characters-some heroic, some devious, some heart-tugging-plus romance, space battles, and as much humor as I could fit in around the drama. I suggest "age 18 and up" only for Limbo Man and my Regency Darkside series. (These books do not contain erotic content, but they do feature some frank moments about life.)
For more about me, please click the link to my updated bio.
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